Friday 3 June 2011

Time 'IS' Your Life - Balance this and your Life will rock!

Sat in the comfort of my local coffee shop, I took a deep long look at the article I was reading. In between the general lull of the shop, the warmth of my hot chocolate and the haze of the sun, I had a sudden reawakening.

I had a been reading an article all about time. With the crack of a whip, it suddenly hit home hard about the importance of a balanced life. What was this truly miraculous saying that made me take a long, deep and hard look at my own life? Well, it’s true that time is money but isnt it truer to appreciate that your Time 'IS' Your Life!.

Time 'IS' your life is a greater perspective on exactly your reality. When viewing time as your life, ask yourself a series of questions. How do I spend my time? What do I spend time doing? What proportion of my time is work? What proportion of time is play? and the killer question what the heck is missing?

For e.g do you enjoy travel? How many holidays a year do you take? How much traveling do you actually do?

My own reawakening caused me to take a long, hard look at my life and the elements within it. I realized I worked brilliantly, however at the cost of time to the ones I loved. It dawned on me that yes time was my life but that work had become my life. This left very little in the way of fun for me.

I reccognized the strength and discipline that I have for work but yearned for more. There it was in black and white, - Find the Balance. The desire to acquire a more balanced life is more than just a whimsical aspiration with no predetermined timeframe, it is a need that should become a priority for all of us.

So, how to find the balance? Well we all know deep within us what’s missing and if you are honest with yourself, you’ll be able to fine tune exactly what it is in seconds. The next stage is stay committed to your goal and to adjust elements of your current routine to fit in the ones that are missing.

For me, that has meant more time with the children. It has also meant more time for friends that I choose to spend time with.  I can hear some of you shouting at the screen saying, "I dont have the TIME”. I say to you. - “Bulloney!” - Time is 24 hours, what we choose to do with it is TOTALLY within our control.

There are easily minutes in the day that could be better spent doing the things that give you as a person ultimate enjoyment and satisfaction. Work at the process and set strict boundaries for work and play. Work can be all encompassing and all consuming if you let it be. I choose to split my day between work and play. So spending time exercising,then work, then with the family and friends and then work again. I also have enough time to get the forty winks I require to rejuvenate my body for another day.

Time ‘IS’ Your Life -  Do you really spend time doing the things that matter to you or are you chasing your tail? Make a commitment today to inject the things you want to do into your life routinely and begin to make it your reality.

The power to do this will astound you and tip you into the bionics of efficiency with just as much enjoyment. Good Luck! Stay focused and enjoy the process and suddenly your Life will totally ROCK!

Time 'IS' Your Life, hadn't you better make it as brilliant and enjoyable as you want to?

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