Thursday 19 May 2011

Is getting in on The Digital Revolution Key To Your Progress?

Like it or not Technology permetes are very existence, a lot of the time. Getting 'in' on the digital revolution is absolutely key to your progress, or is it?

Do you love technology?
Does that make you a Digital Native? or a Non Digital Native?

So, what and who is a Digital Native? Well the term ‘Digital Native’ stems from someone who has been raised in a culture deeply immersed in technology. Take. for example anyone born in the last 10-15 years. Their inherent work practice is just so different from non-natives and it is unique. I’d like to take a closer look at digital natives, how they focus their work and how they utilize the very mediums that enable them to multi task on a more seemingly higher lever.

 Me? Well being 37 could be argued that I grew up in an age where technology was around me, in parts. The good news? If I can do it, anyone can. Anything including this learnt and it always surprises me at how I truly enjoy every piece of technology that surrounds me.

The Life and Times of a Digital Native...

Imagine for a moment a factious character called Lucy. Lucy works as a project manager. Growing up, she became interested in technologies after all she was the youngest of 3 elder brothers. She was a natural with computers but she loved art and history too. Off she went to college with her personal laptop, it became a part of her life. As too did her iphone and ipad. All of these tools enhanced the way she worked. She used the Ipad for taking notes during class, she researched materials and did her work on these tools. A Facebook and Twitter lover, she would regularly engage in conversation. She possessed many friends online to the tune of 2000 odd friends on facebook and numerous ones on other social media connections.

Today, technology is very much part of her life and she is always connected online. It’s a part of her life that will always be with her.

So what of Lucy, well she doesn't exhibit standard patterns of work practice. In fact I would argue that the standard pattern of work practice - 9-5pm is being eroded and a new more high functioning work pattern now exists. The work practices and habits of a digital native are very different from the standard 9-5pm. (Actually whoever does a 9-5, these days?)

In the case of Lucy, her work comes with her wherever she goes, and her social activities play a central role in her life. The anywhere, everywhere nature of work is just so different from the old model. A new pattern emerges now. The fast paced world of technology offers up just SO many practices that enable us to work across devices and across locations. Isn't that super? For example Lucy turns on her iphone first thing in the morning taking care to only respond to urgent requests and prepare herself for the rest of the day. She utilizes other work focused tools such as Omnifocus to plan her every waking minute in the belief that she can get all she needs to done. 

Time for the digital native is all encompassing. Technology is a trusted partner that comes with them not just to work but also on family occasions, playing ball with your son and the annual chirstmas parties. Whether it is snapping a picture or  collecting your thoughts, uploading these to Flickr or jotting ideas down as and when you need them. Technology is there to help. We are seeing a surge in differences when it comes to chunking time. Digital Natives segment their time into smaller chunks so that they become more productive. Very often time spent away from a problem can help solve  issues. 

Some non-digitals with look at this and go - "Crikey - you mean you don't have a life?". On the contrary just because it would seem the digital native works longer as they segment their day differently, you could argue they have more of an all encompassing lifestyle. Digital Natives have the advantage of being able to switch between leisure and work pursuits actively.

Tom aged 17 does this frequently and works for a firm as a coder. For a mental break he switches between Facebook and Twitter to reengage with friends during the day. After he is down checking in and snacking on friends, he has the ability to re-engage with his work and produce more effective work from his break. All digital natives see the tools  as a great way to both work and play at the same time.

Ok...Ok I hear ya! Why not just get up and go for a break? After all isn't that  a far more healthier option. You’d be right. Lots of articles point to the fact it can be unhealthy so a choice can be made about ramping up the exercise when taking a break too. The dangers I guess of the Digital Native is to lead a sedentry lifestyle. It takes the effort and the power of a positive mindset to ensure you get up and find the time to exercise and take a break and give your body and mind exactly what it requires to be hugely productive.

What’s the case for a digital break? Well data suggests that “people who surf the internet at work-within a reasonable limit of less than 20% of their total time in the office-are more productive by about 9% than those that don't” - University of Melbourne Dr Coker. Interesting stats to say the least!

So does our continued reliance on technology work? Is it a good thing?

Well yes and no. Having a call from the boss when you want to relax can be a pain however texting someone that you are going to be late can be hugely convenient. Digital social interactions whether you like it or not are beginning to permeate our ever day existence. Facebook has gone the extra step of engaging with brands to produce neat facebook images of it on my breakfast cereal box with other major brands accepting the social changes that technology has bought about. The digitally equipped text their friends routinely, tweet and broadcast coordinate where they are. And within mins their friends communicate back. This trend can make it feel harder to separate out the professional from the personal.

So, how are digital natives transforming the way business get’s done? It’s not all about the iphone or the ipad.....though you might often think it is! Contemporary slang - "facebook me" marks a new era.  Work practice is shifting centrally, embracing it is the key.

An anywhere-everywhere mindset is exactly what we all need to be able to stay in touch with good friends, make new connections and enhance productivity. If you really want to be a part of it,  be part of the conversation.

Accept that 9-5 is out and leisure and work are now deeply rooted in the same game. Utilize technology to really be able to multi task and you are on to a winner. The ever engaged digital native is already there with all of that. Digital technologies have enabled us all to shift our work patterns and may enable greater productivity whilst driving innovation and creativity in all of our lives. I’m for it - you too?

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