Sunday 12 February 2012

Tools v Strategy - what's the BIG rush? - Strategy means more.

With the technology revolution truly upon us, what's the best way to manage your social strategy?  How do you use social media? A way of staying in touch with your friends perhaps or a way of staying in touch with your customers. The emphasis is on driving through and connecting with people, but what good is that without knowing who you are connecting with and why?


It' s a bit like building a house. You really do need to know what your end outcome or output it is that you want even before you start to buy the tools. Things to consider, how many rooms you want? a mansion? or a stone cottage? how many bathrooms? Once you have an idea, you will understand what you'll need to build what you want!

It's the same with Social Media,  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, FourSquare, Digg,, blogs and all the rest are tools in your arsenal. These are all means to an end and having greater clarity and organisation in determining what you want will help you achieve these goals.

The array of social media tools available are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. Great, they're "free" but that comes at a cost of time, effort, ideas and commitments. The good news is that an effective social media strategy if thought through correctly can enhance and enable you to reach out directly to your customers in a way that is meaningful and helpful. Allowing you to be come an industry leader which is exactly what you want!.

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