Thursday 28 April 2011

20+ Ways To Live Your Life To The Max...

I had to share this video that I found on you tube, I thought it was wonderful, some really pertinent points on how to really fulfill your life and your personal legend.

Positive people do many of the following and one of those is just showing up and taking control of their entire destiny.

By this I mean pursuing a dream or passion to the enth degree with a laser like focus AND enjoying life along the way. A super short snapshot reminder that serves as an inspiration to all of us!

Tuesday 26 April 2011

The Power Of Grace and Happiness

Hey peeps, 

Ok - First things first - a Happy Easter to You! . I spent most of the day in the southbank, London  and had an awesome day particularly as I have just finished reading a brill book that I had to share with you.

Today is the day for Happiness and I dedicate this post to exactly that. I have finished reading Deepak Chopra’s Power of Grace and Freedom and it is essentially a pretty phenomenol book.  Why? Well a couple of things compelled me to write. My biggest motivation was that I felt something was missing and I wanted more in my life, but I was at a loss as to how to achieve this feeling that I was after. That is UNTIL I read this book....

I have just had a further reawakening as one does when they are in self development. So in this book Deepak Chopra manages to condense the really complex subject of the world and how we see it into simple, manageable chunks of information that totally throw open all  the covers exposing our world as it truly is.

There is so much to this book, covering questions like who am i? how did I arrive here? What happens in death?

But it starts with the ultimate question that we are all searching the universe for. No it isn’t when can I make a million and how do I do this? The ultimate quest that ALL of us are on is the search for happiness. As you turn the pages of this book, you will discover the joy that lies within. Everything that we all undertake in the name of ‘success’, ‘achievement’, ‘education’. All of it is to do with happiness, We all want to be Happy.

In the book, Deepak talks about the mistakes that people make when talking about happiness. here it is. The term “I am happy because - Most people will especially in their gratefulness will say they are happy because they have family, friends etc....but true happiness does not lie in relation to things. When happiness is associated with people or things, it can lead to misery as all of these factors are transient. True happiness lies in just being ‘you’, present in the moment and recognizing that you are more than just your mind and body. You ARE the universe.

We are all made of atoms and energy and we whirl around our universe in a bundling mass of constant energy. Our minds can work beyond the body. In fact he goes on to explain that our souls reside out of our body and that the body is just an expression of our soul.Our body and mind our connected but we exist as part of a wider picture. Nothing is real, humans are the only creatures that would feel differently on  a monday because of the very structure of society. There is no such thing as real time.

With this understanding you begin to look at the wider picture and recognize that we are all made up of matter. My soul exists outside of ME and this means that I lie in the universe. Everything is inclusive. I have been put on this world to learn, build and create, my soul will always do this and will express itself in many ways throughout what we consider ‘time’.

Just because you cant see something, doesn’t mean it is isnt real. We have learnt to inherently rely on our senses and this can be dangerous! It’s like when you watch tv, the people are not actually in the tv, they are actually outside of the tv. The same is true of our souls.Once you recognize this, suddenly all those barriers just fall. We are all learning, we have to leave our ego’s behind. There is no such thing as past or future, everything is in the present. Any limitations that you attach to your life as a result of your past DO NOT actually exist. This mean’s that finally you can be free and touch base with the inner self and actually begin to live your life through pure happiness and joy.

How has it changed my life? Well it’s hard to explain. I feel things more, I recognize my part here is to just share and make as many people happy and fulfilled as I possibly can. This my personal mission. I live in the moment and actually feel blessed to be able to express myself vocally, literally and through my writing.

This book is awesome and actually a small price to pay for the sudden reawakening that can occur within you. Put simple this book rocks! Check it out and see what you think. I highly recommend it and it really will help to propel you into appreciating the beauty of your life and everything in it. This might sound cheesy but you will be able to stop for a moment and recognize the birds, the trees and everything else that rocks your world.We all are a complete field of pure potential and so ultimately are you. Nothing can really stop you from achieving all that you want to as long as it comes from a unique standpoint of pure happiness.

I do feel I am part of a bigger picture and feel blessed that I am able to really kick ass in my life knowing that all my happiness lies in the heart of just being and noticing... enjoy.